Alisha Bell

Jeremiah 3:15 says I will give you pastors according to my heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Pastor Armstrong is truly a God-Fearing Pastor is the true essence of this Scripture. He and His Wife are living examples of what it truly means to be Christ Like. And God has blessed Pastor with a truly Virtuous Woman by his side. She loves the Lord. She is among the most caring, giving, and compassionate women I know. And she is very passionate about God, family, and people. She is so humble and loving. First Lady Armstrong, In this day and time, it’s hard to find true believers who not only hear the word of God but do it, to walk it out. You can hear God in their very conversations, see God through their actions, and feel Him in their warm embrace. If you are searching for a Bible Based, Faith-filled, and solid foundation to help increase your walk, faith, and Wisdom in Christ! If you seek wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, The Wisdom Centre is a Great Church to be a part of! This will be one of the best and wisest decisions you’ll ever make! God desires your heart! God Bless and be with you, Pastor & Lady Armstrong, and The Wisdom Centre Church Family!